Sunday, October 23, 2011
Better Health through Better Nutrition !
Friday, October 14, 2011
A Simple Way to Increase your INTELLIGENCE using AudioVisual Brain Entrainment
Nowadays in the global and competitive world a bunch of people can perform the labor that you do, in consequence, any trait to distinguish yourself from your competitors can make the difference in your school, university or workplace. One way to differentiate yourself from others is through intelligence increase. Just imagine what you can do with a higher IQ: get better grades, universities, and jobs, etc. In this article, I want to teach you an easy way to increase you intelligence into the stratosphere, using special sounds and music sessions based on AudioVisual Brain Entrainment.
Firstly, I want to begin by explaining if one can increase his/her intelligence. In other words, do you think that an old dog can learn new tricks? The answer is yes. Even though, many experts will tell you that IQ grades (and general intelligence levels) are static and cannot by increased, surprisingly, these experts ignore completely a mass of evidence to the contrary.
The other way around, cognitive abilities are not static. Scores on IQ tests can fluctuate based on numerous factors: general health, stress level, anxiety, conditions such as ADD or ADHD, sleep regularity, etc. Even more than that, many recent studies have shown that IQ can be significantly increased using certain treatment methods. In other words, yes you can absolutely increase your IQ levels.
The way to increase IQ is to speed the brain up by stimulating it with more rapid brainwave bands like SMR and Beta. The resulting effects will be the increase of your focus, attention, emotional stability, memory and more. It may also help with Depression, Anxiety, Autism, ADD and a number of other problems. In effect, Beta sessions act like “mental workout”, increasing electrical activity and blood flow to the brain, speeding it up, even promoting new dendrite and synapses growth.
Feel free to call us at 480-295-5972 or email us at
BioEnergetics Solutions, LLc.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Anxiety and Depression
Life is full of emotions. Most of us experience feelings of joy and sadness. However, constant, ongoing anxiety can be extremely difficult to live with, as the cause can be very hard to pinpoint.
Generalized anxiety disorder (or GAD) is characterized by excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry. People with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder tend to always expect disaster and can't stop worrying about health, money, family, work, or school. In people with GAD, the worry often is unrealistic or out of proportion for the situation. Daily life becomes a constant state of worry, fear, and dread. Eventually, the anxiety so dominates the person's thinking that it interferes with daily functioning, including work, school, social activities, and relationships.
GAD affects the way a person thinks, but the anxiety can lead to physical symptoms, as well. Symptoms of GAD can include:
- Excessive, ongoing worry and tension
- An unrealistic view of problems
- Restlessness or a feeling of being "edgy"
- Irritability
- Muscle tension
- Headaches
- Sweating
- Difficulty concentrating
- Nausea
- Frequent urination
- Tiredness
- Trouble falling or staying asleep
- Trembling
- Easily startled
In addition, people with GAD often have other anxiety disorders (such as panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias), suffer from depression, and/or abuse drugs or alcohol.
Depression can appear as an all-encompassing low feeling accompanied by low self-esteem and loss of interest or pleasure that hangs on for weeks. If it becomes more intense or begins to interfere with daily activities, then it is a more serious problem. It is estimated that 20 million people in the Unites States have depression. (National Institute of Mental Health, 2010). Symptoms of depression can vary, but typical symptoms include:
- Agitation, restlessness, and irritability
- Dramatic changes in appetite, possibly accompanied by weight gain or loss
- Extreme difficulty concentrating
- Fatigue and lack of energy
- Feelings of guilt, hopelessness and helplessness
- Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and inappropriate guilt
- Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, or activities that were once enjoyed
- Thoughts of death or suicide
- Insomnia or excessive sleeping
- Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment
Depression can occur at any age. However, statistics show that depression occurs more often in women than men, through stress, loss of a loved one, hormonal changes or traumatic events.
AudioVisual Entrainment helps to reduce and/or eliminate anxiety issues. Email us at or call us at 480-295-5972 for free information!
What Causes Bipolar Disorder ? What Causes Schizophrenia ?
We see many people diagnosed as bipolar or schizophrenic. Some were previously diagnosed ADHD or even autistic. They've gone from doctor to doctor gathering many different diagnoses and mediciations.
In our experience, many times these individuals have other issues that are actually masking as symptoms for bipolar or schizophrenia. Food sensitivies, heavy metals, toxins, sensory integration disorders to name a few. These individuals have usually been on a selection of pharmaceuticals trying to get the symptoms under control. The problem is, medication doesn't typically address the root cause. In fact, many times the pharmaceuticals make things worse.
For mental, emotional and environmental issues, stressful life events are thought to be the main element in the development of bipolar disorder. These can range from a death in the family to the loss of a job, from the birth of a child to a move. It can be pretty much anything, but it cannot be precisely defined, since one person's stress may be another person's piece of cake.
With that in mind, research has found that stressful life events can lead to the onset of symptoms in bipolar disorder. However, once the disorder is triggered and progresses, "it seems to develop a life of its own." Once the cycle begins, psychological and/or biological processes take over and keep the illness active.
Researchers have identified specific areas of the brain that are affected: the frontal and temporal lobes of the forebrain, thr prefrontal cortex, the basal ganglia and parts of the limbic system. The hippocampus may also play a role in bipolar disorder. Brain imaging studies have recently demonstarted neuroanatomical basis to bipolr disorder.
What causes Schizophrenia?
Stress imposed by life events or family circumstances appears to be an important external event associated with schizophrenia. The onset of illness is often associated with a distressful period in life and it may be that stress can trigger the onset of illness in those people with a genetic predisposition to the disease.
The areas of the brain identified as being affected by schizophrenia are: the frontal lobe, temporal lobe and limbic system. The cerebellum is also thought to be affected by schizophrenia. Neurotransmitter imbalance is also implicated in schizophrenia.
At BioEnergetics we know the connection that exists between the limbic system (emotional center of the brain) and the Frontal Cortex can be trained with our system. We train to calm this area and help the brain reach homeostasis. AudioVisual Entrainment helps the Bipolar or Schizophrenic sufferer to normalize brain function, thus controlling the symptoms. These disorders typically activate the frequency brainwaves associated with depression, anxiety or anger. These associated emotions activate profound sensory-motor and autonomic system dysregulation. AudioVisual Entrainment may be able to reduce these autonomic arousal patterns. AudioVisual Entrainment can lead to a calmer, reflective and increased healthy and rational response.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Parents with AD/HD children can find their behaviors difficult to endure. At the same time those who are suffering with AD/HD symptoms can find it is a huge blow to self-esteem. Until recently, it was believed that children outgrew AD/HD in adolescence. However, it is now known that AD/HD symptoms can continue into adulthood. In fact, AD/HD does not develop spontaneously in adults. If you have AD/HD as an adult then you had AD/HD symptoms as a child even if they went undiagnosed.
It is common that children and adults who are affected by AD/HD are quite bright. Children with AD/HD become bored quickly, can't sit still, and are always moving. They often act first without thinking. These actions are commonly diagnosed as AD/HD. However, the same actions and behaviors can be seen with those extremely bright children who are not being challenged enough by school or their environment. In some instances children are both AD/HD and gifted. In these cases they are referred to as “Twice-Gifted” or “Twice-Exceptional.” These children have unique problems. High intellect can cause AD/HD to go undiagnosed. The AD/HD too can cause giftedness to go unnoticed.
AudioVisual Entrainment helps them to calm down anxiety, impulsivity and focus issues while allowing them to slow down and think more clearly. It also helps rid them of sensory integration issues which make extraneous sounds and lights so distracting.
Sound therapy to improve auditory processing and behavior, Cognitive training to help with memory and recall, and vision training to help their eyes work together can make huge improvements in both acdemics and sports.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Analyzing ADD/ADHD
Parents with AD/HD children can find their behaviors difficult to endure. At the same time those who are suffering with AD/HD symptoms can find it is a huge blow to self-esteem. Until recently, it was believed that children outgrew AD/HD in adolescence. However, it is now known that AD/HD symptoms can continue into adulthood. In fact, AD/HD does not develop spontaneously in adults. If you have AD/HD as an adult then you had AD/HD symptoms as a child even if they went undiagnosed.
It is common that children and adults who are affected by AD/HD are quite bright. Children with AD/HD become bored quickly, can't sit still, and are always moving. They often act first without thinking. These actions are commonly diagnosed as AD/HD. However, the same actions and behaviors can be seen with those extremely bright children who are not being challenged enough by school or their environment. In some instances children are both AD/HD and gifted. In these cases they are referred to as “Twice-Gifted” or “Twice-Exceptional.” These children have unique problems. High intellect can cause AD/HD to go undiagnosed. The AD/HD too can cause giftedness to go unnoticed.
AudioVisual Brain Entrainment and ADD/ADHD
The frontal lobes of the brain are where the executive functions reside. Executive functions are brain activities that have to do with paying attention to details and remembering them, organizing, strategizing, and planning.
The harder the brain cells work, just like muscle cells, the more they demand nutrition. And just like muscle cells, the nutrition they need is provided by oxygen. Blood brings oxygen and the basic nutrient, glucose, at life-sustaining levels to all parts of the brain. Without oxygen, the brain cells cannot convert glucose into the energy they need to do the work of directing our body's functions. Our brains have an amazing ability to supply extra blood preferentially to those parts in active use.
Extra blood supply over a period of time means you build new neuron connections. And when you exercise those new connections, they become permanent, rather than being pruned out by your nervous system.
The brain has its own method of expanding frequently used pathways, and "pruning" those connections that aren't used. This happens in much the same way you prune deadwood off a tree. Pathways that are more consistently utilized are protected from the pruning process. Stimulation of the pathways increases oxygen to the frontal lobes, and that improves the ability of the "executive functions" and thus the need for AVE!
- Children and Teens
- Adults
- Age-Related Cognitive Decline
- Medically-Related Brain Issues
- Peak Performance
- The Well Brain to Enhance Cognitive Reserve
- Maintenance Programs
Brain Training to Address ADD/ADHD
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are unique attentional disorders which primarily involve slowed frontal brain wave activity and hypoperfusion of cerebral blood flow in the frontal regions, particularly during tasks such as reading.
A variety of disorders, such as anxiety, depression and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), are often co-morbid with ADD, thus creating a plethora of complications in treatment procedures.
Several studies involving the use of AVE in the treatment of ADD/ADHD and its related disorders have been completed. AVE as a treatment modality for ADD/ADHD has produced widespread improvements including secondary improvements in IQ, behaviour, attention, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, anxiety,depression and reading levels. In particular, AVE has proven itself to be an effective treatment of special needs children.
People with attentional problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have particular difficulty shifting their pre-frontal lobes into gear (suppressing alpha and/or theta during cognitive tasks, particularly passive,spatial tasks such as reading. However high levels of stimulation (which AVE) provides in abundance have been shown to improve attention and reduce hyperactivity.
The presence of rock music has also been shown to reduce hyperactivity . This may explain why those with ADD do so well with video games and action sports. Unless the activity is exciting (pushing up arousal), the pre-frontal and frontal lobes quickly lose their attentiveness and activation. Theta and/or alpha brain waves increase dramatically and the person “fogs out.”ADHD rarely occurs in isolation and is often combined with other conditions including depression, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, and other significant psychological, psychiatric, and neurological problems
Children with ADHD are often disruptive in the classroom, require frequent teacher input, do not generally keep up with their peers in academic pursuits, and often require additional services due to their significant difficulty with all aspects of learning. Additionally, many children are misdiagnosed and actually have conditions of depression and anxiety. Medicating such children with stimulant medications in these cases is contraindicated and may make their conditions significantly worse.
The Brain Blood-Flow Connection
Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) has been examined in other disciplines concerned with cognition. CBF is linked to cognition.CBF is also vital in brain regulation and attentional disorders. There are decreases in cerebral blood flow in ADD children during reading.
AVE is needed to address the inattention, impulsiveness and behavioral challenges in school-age children, thus reducing the need for medication management of these children and reducing the educational resources that are devoted to responding to their disabilities.
AVE works on students with a history of learning and reading challenges,impulsiveness and a propensity to be distracted and to distract others.
All mental functioning involves an element of arousal, that is, teh awakeness or alertness of the brain. The degree of the brain's arousal dramatically affects how well a particular function can be performed. (It is almost impossible to pay attention if the brain is producing an abundance of alpha or theta waves, just as it is difficult to fall asleep with excess Beta and low alpha activity in an eyes closed condition.
People with ADD/ADHD have difficulty shifting their pre-frontal lobes into gear (suppressing alpha and theta) during cognitive tasks such as reading and so AVE Training is a MUST!
More Oxygen Equals More Brain Power
The frontal lobes of the brain are where the executive functions reside. Executive functions are brain activities that have to do with paying attention to details and remembering them, organizing, strategizing, and planning.
The harder the brain cells work, just like muscle cells, the more they demand nutrition. And just like muscle cells, the nutrition they need is provided by oxygen. Blood brings oxygen and the basic nutrient, glucose, at life-sustaining levels to all parts of the brain. Without oxygen, the brain cells cannot convert glucose into the energy they need to do the work of directing our body's functions. Our brains have an amazing ability to supply extra blood preferentially to those parts in active use.
Extra blood supply over a period of time means you build new neuron connections. And when you exercise those new connections, they become permanent, rather than being pruned out by your nervous system.
The brain has its own method of expanding frequently used pathways, and "pruning" those connections that aren't used. This happens in much the same way you prune deadwood off a tree. Pathways that are more consistently utilized are protected from the pruning process. Stimulation of the pathways increases oxygen to the frontal lobes, and that improves the ability of the "executive functions" and thus the need for AVE!
Our programs are a healthier alternative to drugs. Come in today to see how we help you be a healthier, more vibrant you. We offer both the product (the devices) and/or the professional service.
We offer programs for:Children and Teens
Age-Related Cognitive Decline
Medically-Related Brain Issues
Peak Performance
The Well Brain to Enhance Cognitive Reserve
Maintenance Programs
Our AVE sessions are relaxing and non-invasive and help train the brain to perform at its best. Sessions are approximately 90 minutes long. Our goal is to provide you with maximum results at a reasonable price.Call us today at 480-295-5972 or email us at to see how we help you be a healthier, more vibrant you.
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